Well Labor Day is the official end of Summer! Most folks are taking the last opportunity for a weekend at the beach, bbq cook out or trip out of town. As such there really aren’t any very large events scheduled in and around Tampa this weekend. Still a lot going on inside and outside this weekend around the neighborhood. Enjoy the long weekend!
To bard, or not to bard, that is the question! Saturday is international bacon day! This unofficial holiday is celebrated on the first Saturday in September each year. Even though it is an international observance, the dates vary in some other cultures and countries.
1. Have a cookout – Pull out your pans and cook some bacon! American-style, Rashers, Irish, Slab, Lardons, and more, try as many types of bacon as you can!
2. Have a bacon party – Why try out all the different types of bacon by yourself? What fun is that? Invite your friends and have a full-on bacon party.
3. Post on social media – For the love of bacon! Post your favorite bacon-related meal or photos from your gathering with the hashtag #InternationalBaconDay
1. The meaning of bacon – The word ‘bacon’ means “meat from the back of an animal.”
2. The Breakfast Club – In the U.S., 70% of all bacon is eaten at breakfast.
3. Bacon production – More than two billion pounds of bacon is produced every year in the U.S.
4. Bacon is old – Bacon is one of the oldest preserved foods in the world.
5. Bacon for making bombs – During World War II, citizens donated excess bacon fat to the army so they could make bombs using the extracted glycerin.
source: NationalToday.com
COMEDY IN THE NEIGHBORHOODThere’s also plenty of opportunities to get a few laughs in and around the hood this weekend! Here’s some related events:
Carlos Santos & Francisco Ramos perform Friday & Saturday and Justin Lawson headlines Sunday @tampaimprov
April Macie performs this weekend @sidesplitterscomedy
Here’s the other local details
Sunset Paddle Happy Hour – 6pm Urban Kai @armatureworks_tampa
Friday Night Dance Party at Shuffle Yard – 7pm @tampashuffle
PEACE CULT (Album Release Party) w/ Pet Lizard, Rutterkin, Parks & Razz at Crowbar – 7pm @crowbarybor
Pusha Preme ‘Album Release’, Synergy In A Cup, Perception, Katara, Sam P. at New World Music Hall – 7:30pm @newworldbrewery
Musicology w/ DJ Gabe Echazabal @ New World Biergarten 9/2/22 – 7:30pm @newworldbrewery
DJ CUB // Friday Night Heights – 8pm @indieseminoleheights
Hymn For Her at Ella’s Americana Folk Art Cafe – 9pm @ellasfolkartcafe
Fit Kids Tampa – 10:30am @armatureworks_tampa
Yin and Restorative Saturday at Lucky Cat Yoga – 12:30pm @luckycatyoga
Mexican Independence Dinner – 5pm @Southernbrewing
The Sculpted Air Research Group with NonFiction – 7pm @tampashuffle
Crackerbillys @ New World Biergarten 9/3/22 – 7:30pm @newworldbrewery
First Saturday Jazz featuring Acme Jazz Garage – 8pm @indieseminoleheights
Rock-Ska Mash up @YBOR CITY – 9pm @crowbarybor
Yoga on the Lawn – 9:30am @armatureworks_tampa
House of Yoga Does Billie Eilish – 11am @luckycatyoga
Wu-Tang and Biscuits – 11am @tampashuffle
Sunday Service @ Southern Brewing – 12pm @Southernbrewing
Sam Williams at Ella’s Americana Folk Art Cafe – 3pm @ellasfolkartcafe
The Bad Combo @ Rick’s on the River! – 3pm @ricksontherivertampa
René Schlegel @ New World Biergarten 9/4/22 – 6:30pm @newworldbrewery
Sunday Live Music Series: Teeny Black Wolfe – 6:30pm @indieseminoleheights