What’s Happening in the Heights This Weekend 10/1/21

Events 10.1.21

Hey! It’s finally October and the weather is just right for getting outside! It’s all about the Gasparilla Music Festival this weekend in and around the Heights. But there’s still lots to do in the neighborhood in between shows! GMF LINEUPThis year’s festival is offering performances from about every genre throughout the weekend. Lot’s of […]

National Coffee Day

Happy National Coffee Day! I am writing this after imbibing in my two morning cups! The Heights has some excellent local craft coffee shoppes to find your cool (or hot) beans! Check them out and support LOCAL for this holiday! BTW, if I’m missing any PLEASE let me know! Click the pic for details!

Events in The Heights This Weekend 9/24/21

Event Post 7.24.21

Fall is here! Did you guys get to see the Harvest Moon earlier this week! The next full moon, the Hunter Moon, isn’t until Oct 20th. It’s the last week of September and there are plenty of Octoberfests on the way! I’m almost ready for my first PSL… but it’s got to get below 80f […]

Fun Events In The Heights This Weekend! 9/17/21

Well fall is here… kinda… and the festival season is starting! September 19th is International Talk Like a Pirate Day so include a bunch of RRRR’s in your dialect this weekend and you’ll fit right in. Ya’ll have fun & go support our local shops, restaurants and pubs! BOLTS BREW FEST 2021Unlimited samples of hundreds of beer […]

Fun Events In The Heights This Weekend 9/3 &9/10/2021


Welcome to Labor Day weekend! … and I’m outta here! I’ll be “down island” for a little while, so I’m bringing you two weekends worth of events going on in and around The Heights in  this week’s newsletter. Ya’ll have fun & go support our local shops, restaurants and pubs! 10TH ANNUAL FORD INTNL CUBAN SANDWICH FESTIVALFolks […]

Fun Events In The Heights This Weekend! 8/27/21

Well next week is Labor Day weekend… Summer is finally coming to an end. With that said there is a stacked lineup of festivals and events throughout the fall! Still plenty to do this weekend. Get out and enjoy some local venues! ROCK THE PARKHappening next Thursday at Cutis Hixon Park starting at 6:30pm. Enjoy a stroll […]